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University of San Francisco School of Law Rotunda Gallery Exhibition

By January 7, 2010August 2nd, 2014Exhibition

USF Rotunda Gallery exhibit of night photography by John ViasI’m pleased to have seven of my night photos on display through May 24 in USF’s School of Law Rotunda Gallery, 2130 Fulton St. (at Parker St.), third floor, in San Francisco. The show was curated by independent art consultant Saiko Matsumaru. Here’s an excerpt from her write-up about my work:

Most of the work here is captured using the strong, direct light of streetlamps, creating images that are precise and architectural. This is not to say that these photos aren’t beautiful—they are, with their saturated colors, careful composition, and sharp detail—it’s just that we see a world that is very ordinary and very alien at the same time. A constructed world, built by people but from which the people—and seemingly only the people—have been extracted. . . .

The dreamlike images of Triplet Tanks and Blue Wall, captured with exacting precision by Vias, are bathed in a clear, cool light, imparting a feeling of otherworldliness; we almost get the sense that these scenes could be somewhere on a moon of Jupiter. Yet this photography is very much about this world. About the world that surrounds us—quietly, stilly, beautifully—waiting for those with both the patience to slow down and look for it and the skill and artistry to capture it.

The gallery is open to the public Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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