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Large Boat Winch Wins Award in International Photography Show

By August 1, 2007August 2nd, 2014Exhibition, Recognition

Large Boat Winch was awarded a Juror Award in “Glimpses in Time—A Juried Photography Exhibition in Honor of Gordon Parks” at the Joyce Gordon Gallery in Oakland. I’m honored to have been included in the show and to be recognized for “outstanding technical and creative talent.” From among the great many entries submitted from as far away as Australia and South Korea, only 66 pieces were chosen.

A public reception will be held Friday, August 3, 2007, 4–8:30 p.m., coinciding with Oakland Art Murmur. The Joyce Gordon Gallery is at 406 14th St., Oakland, CA 94612. The exhibition lasts through August.

The juror was Stephen Wirtz, owner of the prestigious Stephen Wirtz Gallery in San Francisco. This is the second time Large Boat Winch has been juried into a show. The first time was for Pro Arts’ “New Visions: Introductions 2006.”

Gordon Parks wore many hats—photographer, activist, musician, poet, novelist, film director, and more. If you’re not already familiar with him, I encourage you to learn more about his contributions to the arts and the civil rights movement.

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